
Passover Games to Play with Kids

posted on Mar 08 2021

by Eva Casey, Marketing & Engagement Strategist

Passover is an excellent opportunity to spend time with loved ones and friends, but what about keeping the kids entertained? See below for some fun games and activities to do with kids come Passover!

Physical Challenges

Cleaning Chametz

Using several props or things to symbolize unleavened bread/non-kosher food, challenge the participants to try and move as many items to their "area" of the room without using their hands! You can either tell them to keep their hands behind their back, use the traditional feather, or use another tool. For younger participants, you may want to consider letting them use their hands.

Find the Afikomen

Challenge the participants to find the afikomen in either a room, house, or other space! You can have several afikomen as well just to add to the fun.

Let My People Wobble

Split the kids into teams. Using a play ball for each team, challenge them to place the ball between their legs and have them try to either move through an obstacle course or in a straight line. The first team that has everyone able to complete a circuit wins!


Which Biblical event is commemorated by the Passover holiday?

Which Biblical person is the hero of the Passover story?

Name 3 commandments.

Name 4 plagues.

Which of the following animated movies is about Passover?

  1. The Little Mermaid
  2. The Jungle Book
  3. The Prince of Egypt
  4. Beauty and the Beast

Passover begins with a special meal, called "seder". Kids have a special role in opening the seder. What is it?

Act Out

Charade the Plagues

Have participants draw different plagues out of a hat that they then have to charade (use silent clues) to the rest of the group!

  • The Nile River turns to blood
  • Frogs
  • Lice
  • Beasts
  • Livestock disease
  • Boils
  • Hail
  • Locusts
  • Darkness
  • Death of the First Born

Group Sing-Along

Challenge a participant to hum this popular Passover song while the rest of the group guesses. If the group loves the song, why not lead a sing-along of the whole thing?

  • Mah Nishtanah
  • Dayenu
  • Eliyahu Hanavi
  • Avadim Hayinu
  • Ask if the kids know one not mentioned here!

Looking for In-Person Passover fun?

After a successful 2019 premiere at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City, The Great Matzah Ball Cook-Off, an original interactive performance inspired by the foods and traditions of Passover, is BACK and coming to your synagogue LIVE this April!

Frieda is a legend in the world of Passover foods. For the past 15 years, her world-famous matzah balls have won the World Matzah Ball Competition. With another year of competition upcoming, Frieda hears about a mysterious new challenger, Moshe Kneidelmacher, who has been taking the holy land by storm with his "Hungry Man's Haroseth" and "Amaze-matzah-balls.” Frieda is a fierce competitor and needs to enlist the help of a Matzah Ball Fairy in order to win. Will the mysterious challenger emerge victoriously or will Bubbe split the seas of competition and win the grand competition again? This hilarious original virtual variety show teaches all about Passover through interactive characters and games featuring the foods that represent the rituals of Passover.

Or check out our Passover-themed Game Shows for older audiences!

Select availability in April only!

Eva Casey

posted on Mar 08 2021

by Eva Casey

At mainstages, Eva focuses on social media, digital content creation, and brand management. As a teaching artist, she specializes in devised work, improv, and musical theatre. Eva currently also teaches as a private voice and piano instructor.